YMCA Summer Advocacy Days

Advocacy continues to be a top priority for the Alliance and we will focus our summer efforts on key priority issues, as well as building and maintaining relationships with elected officials. Together, we will ensure that Governor Hochul, State Legislators and members of Congress understand the value of the YMCA for all New Yorkers!

Questions? Kindly contact Maggie Dickson, Director of Public Policy, at mdickson@ymcanys.org. A detailed agenda and other resources will be available soon, so stay tuned!

The Alliance will reach out to you individually to discuss your summer advocacy plan. Remember, we are happy to set up meetings and tours at your YMCAs for you. We encourage participation from CEOs, staff, volunteers, and youth!

How You Can Take Action

The Alliance uses an ‘Advocacy Liaison’ list to reach out to YMCAs to communicate grassroots advocacy action requests during the year.

The best way to grow our collective voice is to have each YMCA designate at least one person as their Advocacy Liaison. The more people who add their voice to advance our mission, the more successful we will be. There are hundreds of vying interests in Albany competing for funding, and the best way to stand out is to have the largest and the loudest organized effort!

Add Your Name to the Advocacy Liaison List (coming soon)


Contact Maggie Dickson, Director of Public Policy, at mdickson@ymcanys.org.